After an busy weekend playing carillons in Venlo and Emmerich (and travelling to and from there), I was definitely ready for a calmer week spent working in the lab. As the TaCoS conference (Tagung der Computerlinguistik-Studierende) was taking place at HHU this week, I spent much of my time preparing for my presentation. I had already given a similar talk at NACIL in April, but included some more new information/data obtained through my research over the past few weeks. Since the conference was also more technology-focused than the last, I got more into the nitty-gritty of our model architecture, and focused less on some of the linguistic challenges. I got a lot of good feedback as well as the chance to meet linguistics students from all over Germany (there was even a guy from Minnesota!). On the weekend, I went back to Venlo on Saturday to play while the normal carilloneur was away, before heading to Brussels for a day trip on Sunday! While my time there was a little short, I tried to fit in as many touristy things as possible.